
Today, while watching The Many Adventures of Winnie-the-Pooh with my 5 year old, I realized why the kangaroo's name is Kanga, and why her son's name is Roo. Kanga-Roo. Get it? Yeah. I didn't until today. I'm 47. FML

one of the comments on it: Ehh, dont feel bad. I just realized last year that a cupcake was a CUP of CAKE :D

how interesting
omg, can't believe i dont know that too.
i know the cupcake part! no worries :)
lucky im 15, with no kids.

gonna go out soon with the liang teh.
yes, to keep me from loneliness
and dinner with my dad and big sis and co.
yay! im glad i finished most of my homework.

What's left-
(sku): chem, phy, eng bk review
(tuition):exercise 7.3 Q2c,4,6,7,8
(others):practise piano,surprise my mum when she comes back!(all clothes ironed)

needa hurry up, so i can enjoy YOUTH DAY ON MONDAY!
i hope CCA's haven't resume, and canteen tables all connect back!
feel so weird to have only 8 people in one place of the canteen.
normally, its 24 leh! 3 times the amnt, so lame.
the disease spreads by air, if im not wrong, not by touching.
air is everwhere what, not at some dumb corner of somewhere -.-